WEBVTT 00:06.690 --> 00:08.720 The IG Brown Training and Education 00:08.729 --> 00:10.840 Center hosted the Winter Commandants 00:10.850 --> 00:13.420 Conference to discuss the future of the 00:13.430 --> 00:15.152 enlisted professional military 00:15.152 --> 00:17.819 education for the active duty Air Force 00:17.829 --> 00:21.174 Guard and Reserves . Joshua Lackey , 00:21.204 --> 00:23.426 the command chief for the Barnes Center 00:23.426 --> 00:25.537 for Enlisted Education was one of the 00:25.537 --> 00:27.864 facilitators of the conference . So 00:27.875 --> 00:30.042 having all the Commandants in a single 00:30.042 --> 00:32.715 room at one time is such an aggregation 00:32.724 --> 00:35.465 of the enlisted 00:36.360 --> 00:39.159 powerhouses and the thought leaders and 00:39.169 --> 00:41.880 what it means to have uh enlisted in 00:41.889 --> 00:44.619 residents PM E experiences . And so the 00:44.630 --> 00:46.630 intent is to have all these subject 00:46.630 --> 00:48.574 matter experts in and available to 00:48.574 --> 00:50.686 discuss . All right , if we have this 00:50.686 --> 00:52.908 problem set , how would we chew through 00:52.908 --> 00:54.741 it , what would this mean from a 00:54.741 --> 00:54.639 curriculum standpoint ? What would this 00:54.650 --> 00:56.761 mean from an academic , from the dean 00:56.761 --> 00:58.928 standpoint , from operations ? Talk to 00:58.928 --> 01:01.094 us about that . What would it mean for 01:01.094 --> 01:03.039 a you safety academy ? So we bring 01:03.039 --> 01:05.206 their common in and so we have all the 01:05.206 --> 01:07.428 perspectives relevant to tactical level 01:07.428 --> 01:09.819 execution , our own people . And Brown 01:09.830 --> 01:12.010 was chosen to host the conference for 01:12.019 --> 01:14.169 its facilities and reputation for 01:14.180 --> 01:16.260 excellence in the space . 01:18.819 --> 01:20.900 This is one of the model places for 01:20.910 --> 01:23.021 enlisted PM . If you have to look and 01:23.021 --> 01:25.188 see what's a purpose built campus look 01:25.188 --> 01:27.243 like this is it . Attendees said the 01:27.243 --> 01:29.466 conference was very helpful to how they 01:29.466 --> 01:31.800 approach issues as a total force and 01:31.809 --> 01:34.250 provide consistent education to airmen 01:34.260 --> 01:37.050 in all branches of the air force . It's 01:37.059 --> 01:39.170 the professional illicit force that's 01:39.170 --> 01:41.392 been the differentiating factor between 01:41.392 --> 01:43.959 us , winning and losing wars from IG 01:43.970 --> 01:46.081 Brown Training and Education Center . 01:46.081 --> 01:47.949 I'm tech sergeant Darby Arnold 01:52.139 --> 01:55.550 C . University Education your 01:55.559 --> 01:56.150 way .