The I.G. Brown Training and Education Center

The I.G. Brown Training and Education Center is a detachment of the Air National Guard Readiness Center and is located at McGhee Tyson Air National Guard Base near Knoxville, Tenn. The TEC conducts an average of 16 Enlisted Professional Military Education courses and 40 Professional Continuing Education sessions throughout the year. Typically, the TEC accommodates 4,000 service members on campus annually from the Air Force, Coast Guard and partner nation armed forces. In addition, the studio and multimedia facilities support ANG video productions, senior leader conferences and general-to-career field specific training.

Our Mission: Develop today's Airmen for tomorrow's fight. 
Our Vision: The most agile, innovative, and resilient Total Force training and education provider with joint and global reach. 

The I.G. Brown Training and Education Center's staff of approximately 85 people represent all components of the regular Air Force, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve Command and civil service members who serve together to train and develop the leaders of tomorrow. TEC's facilities are modern and connected by a state-of-the-art computer network. The campus houses an athletic center, dormitories, classrooms, auditorium and dining facility all within a short walking distance.

The I.G. Brown Training and Education Center is organized into three divisions at McGhee Tyson ANGB.

The Chief Master Sergeant Paul H. Lankford Enlisted Professional Military Education Center for EPME conducts an average of 16 Enlisted Professional Military Education courses each year. Typically, the Center accommodates 2,000 service members on campus annually from the Total Air Force, Coast Guard and partner nation armed forces. The in-resident programs deliver Enlisted PME curriculum in about five-six weeks. The Center is one of the Air Force's top producers of Enlisted PME students. Lankford Center is accredited with the Community College of the Air Force through the USAF Barnes Center for Enlisted Education.

TEC University helps build the future leaders of the Air National Guard. The Instructional Development, Production, and Transmission Branches work as one division toward four lines of effort: Leadership Academy (train the trainers, leadership schools, instructor certification); Building the Blue (learning management systems, 3-/5-/7-level upgrade training); From the Force (just-in-time training, 15 minute crowd source videos, enhancing/encouraging innovation); Innovation in Education (educator’s think tank, designing learning for the future, developing training technologies). TEC-U manages the ANG’s broadcast television studios and the Warrior Network. Instructional Development is accredited with the Community College of the Air Force, listed as the I.G. Brown School.

The Mission Support Division provides force management, professional development, logistics, public affairs and information services to faculty, staff and students. The MSD team is the critical linchpin between the TEC and the base host unit, the 134th Air Refueling Wing, enabling efficient campus operations and integrated facilities management.

The I.G. Brown Training and Education Center was established in 1968 as the Professional Military Education Center.  In 1998 its name was changed to The I.G. Brown Air National Guard Training and Education Center named in honor of the first Director of the Air National Guard, and in 2012 it changed to the I.G. Brown Training and Education Center to accurately reflect and reassert its commitment to professional and military heritage and keep true to its mission and vision.

(Last update June 2024)