TEC History Articles

Our Story

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In 1966, Air Force Maj. Gen. I. G. Brown, the first officer assigned as Director of the Air National Guard, was invited to speak at a noncommissioned officer academy graduation at Hamilton Air Force Base, Calif. He was impressed by the enthusiasm and professionalism of the staff, particularly the Vice Commandant, Chief Master Sgt. Paul H. Lankford, and by the students. This event planted the seed of an idea that the Air National Guard should have an NCO academy to increase the professionalism of the enlisted corps.

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After a great deal of planning, discussing, persuading and convincing, the Air National Guard NCO academy was founded. Brown hired Maj. Edmund C. Morrisey of the Texas Air National Guard and the same Chief Master Sgt. Paul H. Lankford who had so impressed him to be the two leaders to make this new venture successful. The center was established in 1968 with the first classes held in an aircraft hangar. Today's campus is called the I.G. Brown Training and Education Center and is the heart of leadership training for more than 4,200 Guard, Reserve, regular Air Force and international students per year who attend professional military education and continuing education.   

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The campus is a registered U.S. Air Force Historical Holding. The historical holding preserves contributions to Air Force training and education as well as showcases those who contributed to its success. There are roughly 2,700 historical items on TEC's inventory and more than a dozen special heritage displays.