Services manager, broadcaster applauded

  • Published
  • I.G. Brown Training and Education Center

Two Airmen were recently selected as the I.G. Brown Training and Education Center's outstanding senior noncommissioned officer and noncommissioned officer for the fourth quarter, 2016.


Col. Kevin Donovan, TEC commander, announced the awardees' names Jan. 23 in an email.


“Please take a moment to congratulate Master Sgt. Jose Santiago and Tech. Sgt. Chalanda Roberts on their outstanding accomplishments and recognition,” said Donovan.


Santiago is the services manager assigned to the TEC’s Mission Support Division.


Officials said that Santiago helped modernize 21 classrooms, executed more than $70,000 in audio visual upgrades and furnished 97 new student living areas, which will increase lodging capacity by 20 percent. He orchestrated dormitory renovations and repurposed 25,000 pounds of furniture that saved about $200,000. 


Santiago managed more than 20 special events as TEC’s protocol expert, which included two retirement ceremonies. 


Santiago earned a Community College of the Air Force Associate Degree in Hospitality and Fitness Management and is currently working toward a bachelor’s degree in computer information systems.


Roberts is a broadcast specialist assigned to the TEC’s Media and Engagement Division.   

Officials said that Roberts produced five hours of National Guard Bureau directorate live training broadcasts to 174 satellite locations, which saved the Air Force about $900,000 in travel costs.


She edited the Joint Credentialing Opportunities on-line video, which marketed professional development programs for four military services as well as enhanced training opportunities for 1.2 million enlisted service members.


Roberts facilitated the Black Engineer of the Year Award for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Video, which highlighted program initiatives supporting diversity in academia and helped more than 2,000 personnel. She composed three NGB financial improvement and audit readiness training videos, which prepared 166 offices for future audits and inspections as well as ensured the Air National Guard‘s 100 percent fiscal compliance.


Officials called Roberts dedicated to helping children with autism through self-education and participation. She helped streamline communications between speech-delayed children and local caregivers for More Than Words – The Hanen Program for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.


Quarterly awardees receive recognition at the following commander's call as well as an award plaque and other accolades.