Get those AF evals in with a free Bb lesson

  • Published
  • By Air Force Master Sgt. Mike R. Smith
  • I.G. Brown Training and education Center
The Air National Guard’s training and education center in East Tennessee is offering its Air Force evaluation bullet writing course online through the Blackboard web learning platform.

The total force class teaches fundamental dynamics on how to write effective bullet statements for enlisted and officer performance reports and AF Form 1206s. It’s developed and managed by the Professional Continuing Education Division.

Mr. Larry McCoy, course manager, said that the free, self-paced course takes about 60-90 minutes on average and offers several examples that students submit online for direct feedback. It focuses on the structure of Action, Impact, and Result in bullet writing.

The course is open to all DoD personnel. You must register for the course’s Bb access. Contact McCoy to register and receive the link, email or (865) 336-3803, DSN 266-3803.

The division’s bullet writing lessons first developed from an on-campus class and became popular for supervisors writing Air Guard performance reports. Instructors broadcast the lessons on the Warrior Network as well as taught more than 1,700 traditional-Guard Airmen at their unit training assemblies. The traveling course is booked through the calendar year, McCoy said.

McCoy said that one advantage of the online version comes from the direct feedback provided in the writing exercises, which is similar to the classroom experience.