MCGHEE TYSON AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Tenn. -- Command Chief Master Sgt. of the Air National Guard Maurice Williams got a first-hand look at the I.G. Brown Training and Education Center and its mission during a visit here April 22.
Along with meeting TEC Airmen and touring the campus grounds, Chief Williams spoke directly with noncommissioned officer academy and Airman leadership school students during a virtual “Commandant Time” from the TEC-TV studios.
More than 300 students with virtual NCOA and ALS Class 21-V5 asked the chief questions about the Air National Guard’s future. Chief Williams also discussed his focus areas of Ready Forces, People, and the Health of the Force.
“Our adversaries say the biggest difference between us and them is the empowerment of our enlisted force,” Williams said. “The best thing we can do is invest in you as our enlisted force at the highest level to keep our nation secure.”
After speaking with students, the ANG’s 13th Command Chief sat with TEC’s staff and faculty during lunch, getting to know more about how they support TEC’s mission - to train and educate today’s Airmen for tomorrow’s fight.