59 graduate ALS Class 11-3

  • Published
  • By Master Sgt. Mavi Smith
  • The I.G. Brown Air National Guard Training and Education Center
The Paul H. Lankford Enlisted Professional Military Education Center wrapped up five-weeks of training for the students of Airman Leadership School Class 11-3 with a graduation banquet and awards ceremony held in their honor in Knoxville, March 24.

Designed to prepare senior airmen for positions of greater responsibility, Airman Leadership School strengthens the ability to lead, follow, and manage by providing many of the leadership skills required of military supervisors.

The 59 graduates of Class 11-3 included 50 Air National Guardsmen and 9 Air Force Reservists from 28 different states and the District of Columbia.

Following a keynote address by guest speaker Louisiana Command Chief Master Sgt. James E. Downing Sr., special recognition was presented to the following individuals, and then all students received their diplomas.

The top graduate and recipient of the JOHN L. LEVITOW AWARD was Senior Airman Ronald Allshouse, an aircraft structural maintenance journeyman with the Air Force Reserve at Beale AFB, Calif.
This is the highest honor awarded a graduate of any Air Force enlisted professional military education course. It is named for Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. John L. Levitow for his actions during the Vietnam War and is presented to the one student who not only demonstrates academic excellence, but also the outstanding attributes of leadership, enthusiasm, military bearing, and dedication to the spirit and mission of the total Air Force.

The DISTINGUISHED GRADUATE AWARD is presented to the students in the top ten percent of the class. It is based on objective and performance evaluations, demonstrated leadership, and performance as a team player. The DG awards were presented to:

1. Senior Airman Matthew D. Vandermolen, a cyber systems operations journeyman with the Illinois Air National Guard.
2. Senior Airman Lee A. Gustafson, a security forces journeyman with the Air Force Reserves at the Air Force Academy.
3. Senior Airman Casandra J. Pohlen, a civil engineer apprentice with the Minnesota Air National Guard.
4. Senior Airman Steven M. Bacallao, an air traffic control specialist with the Wisconsin Air National Guard.
5. Staff Sgt. Victor P. Ruffilo, a material management apprentice with the Virginia Air National Guard.

The ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD was presented to Senior Airman Casandra J. Pohlen, a civil engineer apprentice with the Minnesota Air National Guard.
This award denotes excellence as a scholar. It is based upon all summative objective tests and individual performance evaluations and is given to the student with the highest overall academic standing.

The PAUL H. LANKFORD LEADERSHIP AWARD was presented to Staff Sgt. James C. Newman, a security forces journeyman with the North Carolina Air National Guard.
Thisaward is presented to the student who made the most significant contribution to the overall success of the class by demonstrating superior leadership abilities and excellent skills as a team member. It is named in honor of CMSgt Paul H. Lankford, a Bataan Death March survivor and the first commandant of the Air National Guard Enlisted Professional Military Education Center.