Flag day
From left, Chief Master Sgt. Myron Pigg, Senior Master Sgt. Jimmie Stewart, Chief Master Sgt. Jim Laux, Chief Master Sgt. Paul Lankford, Col. Edmund Morrisey, Chief Master Sgt. Gordon Kniskern, and Col. Larry Martin commemorate the return of the American flag, July 24, 1986, at the I.G. Brown Training and Education Center in Louisville, Tenn., nearly 16 years to the month after it was sent out by NCO academy class 71-1 to fly over every state and territory of the United States. The flag was last flown July 29, 1986, at the first reveille of NCO academy class 86-3. Thousands of Airmen have seen the flag on display in Spruance Hall during the 30 years since. (U.S. Air National Guard file photo/released)