MCGHEE TYSON AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Tenn. -- Two U.S. Air Force Airmen earned the I.G. Brown Training and Education Center's outstanding senior noncommissioned officer and NCO for the first quarter in 2019.
U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. John P. Capra, deputy commander, announced the awardees in a staff-wide email.
“Please extend your congratulations to our first quarter winners,” Capra said.
NCO of the Quarter is Tech. Sgt. Isaac M. Dobson, assigned as a professional military education instructor for the Chief Master Sergeant Paul H. Lankford Enlisted PME Center.
Senior NCO of the Quarter is Master Sgt. Chalanda D. Roberts, assigned as a broadcaster for the Professional Continuing Education Division production team.
Supervisors reported that Sergeant Dobson demonstrated leadership and performance in his duties, as he guided 28 Air Force NCOs through 278 curriculum hours, which prepared them as leaders and earned a collective 140 Community College of the Air Force credit hours.
Sergeant Dobson mentored 14 students as the NCO academy morale representative. He raised $1,160 in donations to enrich the educational experience for 281 students. He coordinated the heritage luncheon that increased morale and comradery.
Supervisors reported that Sergeant Roberts demonstrated leadership and performance by directing the travel training video for the general officer management office. The production helped streamline and reduce TDY costs for generals across the states and territories. The effort saved funds guard-wide as well as reduced voucher errors. She also managed two financial management update broadcasts, which provided distance learning and readiness for more than 400 service members.
Sergeant Roberts gathered more than 50 pounds in clothing donations for the Salvation Army to benefit families with winter attire.
Quarterly awardees receive recognition at the following commander's call as well as an award plaque and other accolades.
(Supervisor award packages contributed to this report.)