Lone stone marks construction's progress

  • Published
  • By Master Sgt. Mike R. Smith
  • I.G. Brown Training and Education Center
A worn, POW MIA memorial stone sits just inside the north entrance to the Morrisey Hall classroom building on a rainy Wednesday at the I.G. Brown Training and Education Center here Feb. 24, 2016, with the facility construction in the distance.

The stone was donated by NCO academy class FY 2000-1.

This entrance to the inner campus - from where thousands of Air Force NCO academy and Airman leadership students attend classes annually - is blocked until completion.

The completed facility will soon offer 47,000 square feet of space. That includes ten, 20-person and two 100-person classrooms and 97 single occupancy dorm rooms.

As a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design project, it will offer one the Air National Guard's most sustainable, livable and energy-efficient facilities. The learning and living spaces include the use of natural and automatic lighting and other cost effective, energy conservation features. The facility should open in 2016.

Click here for more information on the construction project.